
Sark is a premium WordPress landing theme designed for Startup, SaaS Business, App, Softwares etc. We have used the most popular WordPress page builder, Elementor to create Sark pages. It was built based in the latest trends in design style and typography choices.

Sark is fully compatible with latest version of Wordpress.

Upload and Activating theme

Read the documentation to learn about installing and activaing our theme.

  1. Navigate to Appearance → Themes in your WordPress admin dashboard
  2. Click the Add New button at the top of the page then go for the Theme Upload option.
  3. For the file upload, pick Theme Files / in the theme package downloaded
    from ThemeForest and click Install Now.
  4. Click Activate once the upload has finished and you're ready for the next step: Installing the Plugins.

Installing Plugins

Right after the theme was activated, a notification at the top of the screen will suggest to continue with the installation of the plugins rShadePrommended for getting the best our of your theme.

  1. Click Begin installing plugins and select all the plugins in the list.
  2. Activate the Plugins you just installed.

Dummy Data Import

    Onc click demo import

    At first you need to import the "Initial Setup". Then just click on Import button and your demo site should be ready.

    Other import options
  1. Elements Pages: To get all the elements pages separetely, import Elements
  2. Portfolio Pages: To get all the Portfolio pages, import Portfolio Pages

  3. Manual import.

    If somehow the One click demo import fails to import your pages then you can try importing demo content manually.

    1. From your Wordpress admin dashboard, navigate to Tools → Import → WordPress.

    2. Select the theme dummy data .xml file located in demo-data/(homepage name).xml

    3. Wait until you see the message Have Fun

    4. Important: Things to do now:

      Please navigate to Elementor → Settings. and check on both Disable Default Colors & Disable Default Fonts options and Save settings

Homepage & Blog Setup

To setup the blog page, in your WordPress admin panel, navigate to Settings → Reading.

Assuming you already have a page named "Blog", for the Front page display, select "A static page" and choose your "Blog" page as the Posts page. This is what you should be seeing on your screen from left side.

Assuming you already have a page named "Home", for the Front page display, select "A static page" and choose your "HOME page as the home page. This is what you should be seeing on your screen from left side.

Header Footer setup

Sark has advanced Header Footer options which will help you to control different header and footers in different pages easily

  1. Include Exclude Header & Footer

    You can Include/Exclude your header/footer on specific apages or Entire Website from the metabox option..

  2. Sticky Header

    You can sticky your header from here. You just need to make the sticky to yes!. You can also change the sticky background, border and shadow when stikcy is enabled.

Updating Sark

To updating the theme there are 2 ways.

  1. When there's a new update released you will get notification on your dashboard. You can simply update from there.

  2. When there's a new update available on Themeforest. Download the new updated theme. Then extract and upload new version from your dashboard Appearance → Themes. Then activate the theme. During this process, no data will be lost. Because all pages and posts data saves in Database.

    After activating new theme, you needs to check that if there's any update available for Sark theme support plugin as well by visiting this page Appearance → Installed Plugins.


About our support (supports we provide and supports we don't)

We provide Basic Support for:

  • Responding to questions or problems regarding the theme item and it's features.

  • Fixing bugs and reported issues.

  • Providing updates to ensure compatibility with new software.

Our Basic support doesn't but Premium Support includes:

  • Customization and installation services.

  • Support for third party software and plug-ins.

Basic Support Check

Things to consider before seeking support:

  • Make sure your question is a valid Theme Issue and not a customization request.

  • Make sure you have read through the documentation and any related video guides before asking support on how to accomplish a task.

  • Make sure to double-check the theme FAQs.

  • Try disabling any active plugins to be sure your issue isn't any conflict with a plugin. And if it is, this way you can let us know.

  • If you have customized your theme and now have an issue, back-track to make sure you didn't make a mistake. If you have made changes and can't find the issue, please provide us with your changelog.

  • Make sure to state the name of the theme you are having issues with when requesting support via ThemeForest.

Premium Support Check

If your problem criteria doesn't meet basic support coverage, you can simply reach out to us, And we will give you a quote to fix your issue, or setup your branding or do your customization. After meeting the premium support check and ensuring it's a premium support offered criteria, Please email to: with subject "Premium Support Request".

Premium support: We provide premium support for -

  • Customization request.

  • Installation service.

  • Custom Slider Addition

  • Custom font generate and setup

  • Color and Branding customization according to your need

  • And much more..

For premium support we will get back to you within 12 hours. Let us save your time alongside saving you from your frustation!

Thanks for choosing Grayic!